Jun 26, 2013

{8 months and then some...}

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Porter is 8 months now, before I got pregnant I was working out pretty consistently... but then came the baby fever and now we have Porter and I've let it slack! Its this tummy that is just there, not shrinking like the other parts of my body! 

I'm down to the weight I want to be, thanks to my stairs and three kids... but my stomach...don't even go there!  It's this weird pooch that just follows me wherever I go, specially when Im laying down on my side...it hangs....gross I cant even believe Im sharing this, but its like a little wrinkled Shar-pei that is curled up right me, but its attached!

  So Im finally doing something about this thing!

C'mon its only 10 minutes a day, you can do it too!

Here  is what Im going to try:

Victoria's Secret Model Workout: 10-Minute Fat-Blasting Circuit

Thanks for the inspiration SIS! 

Do you workout? Do you have a schedule? tips?
Please do share!

1 comment:

  1. Love it! Working out makes me feel so much better and allows you to eat yummy food guilt-free! ; )
