Jun 30, 2013

{4th of July in Style}

The 4th is right around the corner, and with that it usually means BIG family get togethers, great American food, fireworks, and parades!  So I thought it would be a perfect time to share some 4th of July inspiration to my readers.  

This is what I found: 




Jun 28, 2013

{I did it...and Im a little nervous}

Today very randomly I stumbled onto a site called "The influence Network" its all about community and networking with other women who are Believers, encouraging what God has called you to do, its a place were you can connect with other women and to be equipped and inspired to influence others. 

I joined! 

I want this "blog" be a place were I can influence others for Christ. A place were I can share truth, and Gods word and what He is doing in my life, in my family's life.  

Here is more ABOUT the Influence Network

You can Join too!

They offer 3 different membership services only starting 5.00 a month!

They also offer classes, such as "affiliate marketing tactics", "finding clear purpose", "hearing God in your everyday life" and so many more I am so excited to learn so much from these amazing women. 

Influence also has a CONFERENCE every year with amazing speakers and awesome WORKSHOPS

Also, here is their BLOG

Hope you all have a wonderful summer weekend! 

Its going to be a HOT one here in AZ 117 degrees over here! So as for me and my household we will be staying where there will be air conditioning 

Jun 26, 2013

{8 months and then some...}

<a href="http://www.bloglovin.com/blog/9477637/?claim=wwbhqr9cbk2">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>

Porter is 8 months now, before I got pregnant I was working out pretty consistently... but then came the baby fever and now we have Porter and I've let it slack! Its this tummy that is just there, not shrinking like the other parts of my body! 

I'm down to the weight I want to be, thanks to my stairs and three kids... but my stomach...don't even go there!  It's this weird pooch that just follows me wherever I go, specially when Im laying down on my side...it hangs....gross I cant even believe Im sharing this, but its like a little wrinkled Shar-pei that is curled up right me, but its attached!

  So Im finally doing something about this thing!

C'mon its only 10 minutes a day, you can do it too!

Here  is what Im going to try:

Victoria's Secret Model Workout: 10-Minute Fat-Blasting Circuit

Thanks for the inspiration SIS! 

Do you workout? Do you have a schedule? tips?
Please do share!

{Shop Update}


I will be adding more in the next few days so keep checking back often!

Jun 25, 2013

{Organization Inspiration}

I am lack organizational skills, and I dont know why....my mom and sister are awesome at it and it comes completely natural to them, but for me its an effort to do.  I feel as I have become a wife and mother to three kids that I also homeschool, and I have my own business I need to become more organized in my home for my days to run more smoothly.  

Mom if you are reading this I know....you have told me this over and over again

So I have searched and searched PINTEREST for some ideas to help me out and I figured I can't be the only one out there that isn't the BEST at organizing, so Im sharing what I have found and will post my before and after pictures as I go through this journey of 

1st I will be starting with my junk drawers in my kitchen 
(I have 4...shhhhh)
It's bad it started with only 1 and then it went to 4 and I cant stand it, I cant find anything! 
or should I say "we" cant find anything!
YES I will take pictures and it wont be pretty
Mom if you are reading this I read something else right now if I were you... SORRY!


They posted some tips:

  • Empty the contents out onto the table or counter.
  • Wipe the drawer clean, including the crevices and corners of the drawer.
  • Now sort everything….
  • If it doesn’t belong in there, put it where it belongs. If it’s in there BECAUSE it doesn’t have a dedicated place where it belongs, CREATE one for it. This is, in my opinion, the number one cause for messes. If it doesn’t have a home, it will wander. Simple as that.
  • If it’s garbage, throw it away. Be selective in what you keep.
  • Put the remaining items into small boxes or baskets that will fit in your drawer. This is the biggest step you can take to make sure your junk drawer (which you can now call something else, because it doesn’t look so junky anymore) stays neat and organized! I heart boxes! As you can see, the only items I don’t have in a box are the extra notepads for my fridge, my scissors, and my coupon binder.

 Here is another from JRL Woodworking

Kristen has a tutorial on how to build your own utensil divider, which I might do because mine are not divided whatsoever so everything just gets scattered in there

AND last but not least

Monograms and Makeovers posted one as well

BUT she uses these!

They are from Home Good and they were only 5.99 

I hope you join me in this journey!  

I will be posting soon all about MY junk drawers

Jun 24, 2013

{Summer - Boho Style}

From bold graphic prints, jumbo statement stripes, to turban headbands, ikat and tie dye prints…these are the hottest trends for this summer

 Turban Headbands, chambray shirts

bright nails, gold jewelry

 Long skirts

Bright patterned shirts

 Colorful layered jewelry

and of course....tie dye

Turban headbands, wraps, bracelets, and clutches will soon come to my shop so keep your eyes open!

What is your style this summer?

Jun 22, 2013

{Top bun tutorials}

I'm sure you have all seen this hair style around, and I am so excited to find some AWESOME tutorials and I want to share them with you! With the Arizona heat kicking in I will for sure be trying these out.

 The Ballerina Bun:

Here is the "more" polished ballerina bun:

Messy Bohemian Bun:

and last but not least, one of my favorites The Knot Bun:

Hope you enjoy these, I will definitely be trying these out!

Have an AWESOME weekend Friends!

Jun 21, 2013


Hey All! 

Welcome to my new blog, where I hope to share all my DIY crafts, recipes, fashion accessories and more!  

{My 6 year old}

Little by little I will be adding new things to my shop, while I create new products in between 
homeschooling my three little ones, during naptimes and after bedtime.

 {After ballet recital}

 {Our crazy happy family}

 {Almost 4 year old}

Hope you all will enjoy this trip with me as I venture in homeschooling, running my own homemade business and living life to the fullest...

I Corinthians 9:24-27  "Run in such a way as to get the prize"