Aug 21, 2013

{Fabric ADDICT - Coming Soon}

Just a sneak peek at some new fabric prints coming soon to the shop!
Leggings, Headbands, and swaddle blankets

Jul 13, 2013

{Favorite Finds}

Alycia makes the most beautiful dreamcatchers, she is so talented a really sweet person! 

I feel in love with this unique in indie jewelry, I love the layered look

This drink looks so refreshing

and Im sure have you have of Joy the Baker...check these out!

Hope you all have an amazing weekend!

Jul 11, 2013

{Im needing a Stylist}

Have you heard of Stitch Fix? everyone is talking about it!

Its this awesome company where you go online fill out your "STYLE PROFILE" and a stylist picks out outfits/accessories for you! 

You have the option to get them mailed monthly or anytime you would like

The MOST AWESOME part is whatever they mail you, you can choose what you want to keep or return

So if you like the shirt but not the jewelry you mail back the jewelry for FREE and pay for what you want to keep!


create your style profile

A stylist will handpick 5 items for you

Keep what you like 
Send back the rest

Here is more about your personal Stylist:

Try it on in the privacy of your own home, with your own wardrobe.

Each item comes with styling tips on how to dress it up or down.

Drop off returns in our prepaid envelope at any USPS mailbox.

The more feedback you give your stylist, the better they are at finding clothes you'll love.

How much does it cost?

The styling fee is $20, which you can use towards your final order.

If you keep all five items, we’ll give you 25% off your entire order.

We’ll send you items within your price range, but items are $75 on average.

Jul 8, 2013

{She Reads Truth :: Day 1}

So today starts a new study through She Reads Truth, its about 
"Women in the Bible" 
and Im SUPER excited about it.  

SheReadsTruth is an awesome community of amazing women who have poured so much love into creating these studies for women to get together and read Gods WORD, to get together and share what we have learned, to share our strengths and weaknesses, to encourage eachother.  I just joined not too long ago, and I love it.  Im learning so much. 

Today is about Eve:

As I was reading about Eve and reading the comments afterwards, I learned something.  Its amazing because I have read the book about Genesis so many times....c'mon its the book about creation!!  You know... about the 7 days God took to  create our world.  

1st day: Light
2nd day: sky and water
3rd day: Land and seas
4th day: sun, moon and stars 
5th day: Fish and birds
6th day: Animals and Man and Woman
7th day: God rested and declared everything "to be very good"

God had an order to his Creation

it's not good for man to be alone i will make a helper ...."
 Then he makes all the animals and Adam names them all 

God allowed Adam to see that there was "no helper found as his compliment". 
There is something missing 
 so next God makes woman from man {from his rib} 
unlike man who was made from the dirt,  Eve was CREATED {formed} last. 
The completion of all God's creation. 

Eve was Formed 
I never looked at it this way before...
Like a sculptor who fashions a beautiful piece of art

1: download the youversion bible app
 2: join the plan 
3: start reading

{Weekly Wrap-Up}

Weekly Wrap-Up 
Instagram Style 

This year to celebrate 4th of july we went up north to Flagstaff 
where we could enjoy the cooler weather

 Enjoyed the 4th of July parade downtown 

 Had some relaxing time out on the porch drinking tea and hearing the birds chirping 

 We took a walk every morning 

 Went to the park 

Did some "Hiking" 

 Went to the Sweet Shoppe and Nut House 

 Did some BBQ'ing 

Kids threw some TNT Pop-Its 

This little man enjoyed the view of the beautiful pine trees

and when we returned back home it was back to 106 degrees and that was at 10:00 AM!

Hope you all had a great 4th of July weekend celebrating 
with family and friends!

Linking up to:

<a href=""><img src=""></a>

Jul 1, 2013

{Mothers, YOU are mighty...}

I saw this blog post by Lisa Jo Baker, and it moved me, this is a great reminder.  Because sometimes we need reminders....specially on our hard days where we feel like giving up, like nothing is working out.  We are just the Cook, chauffeur, maid, diaper changer ...there are days where you feel spent, worn

 Its not the kind of job you get praises for from your boss, co-workers.  
But you know what?

"you are in fact a shelter from the storm. You are a Cape of Good Hope. You are a warrior who will battle for your children’s hearts, souls, attention, innocence, education and memories"

Someone might ask...

“So, what do you do?” And “Mother” might be about the unsexiest answer ever uttered at a Capitol Hill mixer. But don’t let that fool you. “Mother” will always be the bravest, least ordinary, most difficult and utterly challenging career that anyone ever hopes to lay claim to. "

Therefore, my dear sisters, stand firm. 
Let nothing move you.
Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord,
because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.
1 Corinthians 15:58

Jun 30, 2013

{4th of July in Style}

The 4th is right around the corner, and with that it usually means BIG family get togethers, great American food, fireworks, and parades!  So I thought it would be a perfect time to share some 4th of July inspiration to my readers.  

This is what I found: 




Jun 28, 2013

{I did it...and Im a little nervous}

Today very randomly I stumbled onto a site called "The influence Network" its all about community and networking with other women who are Believers, encouraging what God has called you to do, its a place were you can connect with other women and to be equipped and inspired to influence others. 

I joined! 

I want this "blog" be a place were I can influence others for Christ. A place were I can share truth, and Gods word and what He is doing in my life, in my family's life.  

Here is more ABOUT the Influence Network

You can Join too!

They offer 3 different membership services only starting 5.00 a month!

They also offer classes, such as "affiliate marketing tactics", "finding clear purpose", "hearing God in your everyday life" and so many more I am so excited to learn so much from these amazing women. 

Influence also has a CONFERENCE every year with amazing speakers and awesome WORKSHOPS

Also, here is their BLOG

Hope you all have a wonderful summer weekend! 

Its going to be a HOT one here in AZ 117 degrees over here! So as for me and my household we will be staying where there will be air conditioning 

Jun 26, 2013

{8 months and then some...}

<a href="">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>

Porter is 8 months now, before I got pregnant I was working out pretty consistently... but then came the baby fever and now we have Porter and I've let it slack! Its this tummy that is just there, not shrinking like the other parts of my body! 

I'm down to the weight I want to be, thanks to my stairs and three kids... but my stomach...don't even go there!  It's this weird pooch that just follows me wherever I go, specially when Im laying down on my hangs....gross I cant even believe Im sharing this, but its like a little wrinkled Shar-pei that is curled up right me, but its attached!

  So Im finally doing something about this thing!

C'mon its only 10 minutes a day, you can do it too!

Here  is what Im going to try:

Victoria's Secret Model Workout: 10-Minute Fat-Blasting Circuit

Thanks for the inspiration SIS! 

Do you workout? Do you have a schedule? tips?
Please do share!

{Shop Update}


I will be adding more in the next few days so keep checking back often!